DUN dun DUN dun DUN dun DUN dun... If that doesn't explain it imagine the Jaws theme in your head...
Sooo.... Bored
Published on August 25, 2004 By Capi Crimini In Misc
Wow... I just read a big article on how bottled water is not and can ever be less pure then tap. So... I was thinking about typing a big thing on that up... but then I got this headache... So now i'm just going to type this.... But now that i've typed this I can't type this because I already typed this.... SO now I'm starting to think about how the universe is like two mirrors facing each other... but then that thought reminds me of two cellular phones about six inches from each otehr and someone talking in the middle so there's an endless echo..... And that just maeks my headache worse....

i must go.I The blinking is to simulate my headache and give you one so you feel my pain.... raed it really fast and enjoy. -EDIT_ I killed the blinking effect... it was horrid while it was there though...

on Aug 25, 2004
You are right. I have headaches now and then and they tick like this.
on Aug 25, 2004
If I click on it, will it go away?

