When we talk about time travel, we're inevitably going to have to start with the concepts of time and of travel. Tackling time... let's first observe that when we're talking about time travel, we're talking about moving the self through time and so it's obviously subjective time we're talking about (not objective). Next, observe that subjective time is always in the now -- it's only present, it's not past or future. (The now contains records of the past, but the subjective self is always i...
Pregnancy n.pl. The condition or instance of being pregnant. Until now, also associated with women... but is this all changing? First appearing in 1999, malepregnancy.com first recieved notice in 2000. Started by Virgil Wong, the site documented the case of Mr. Lee Mingwei. The first man to bear child. Visitors to the site could inspect a variety of documentary evidence about Mr. Mingwei's pregnancy (news reports, pictures, video clips, Mr. Mingwei's EKG)... Now... ...