When we talk about time travel, we're inevitably going to have to start with the concepts of time and of travel. Tackling time... let's first observe that when we're talking about time travel, we're talking about moving the self through time and so it's obviously subjective time we're talking about (not objective). Next, observe that subjective time is always in the now -- it's only present, it's not past or future. (The now contains records of the past, but the subjective self is always i...
PHILOSOPHY; a.) a pursuit of wisdom; b.) a search for truth throught logical reasoning rather than factual(?) observation; c.) an analysis of the grounds of, and concepts expressing, fundamental beliefs. Having studied philosophy to some extent, I've come to regard the field a bit differently than most. While deep intellectual, philosophical discussions might be entertaining, they most often remain just that ... entertainment. To me, a discussion of "truth" or of "fundamental beliefs"...
To understand the basics of psychology you must first understand a short history of it and it's development.... Psychology part. I .....psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process ..........Behavior can be either covert of overt ...............covert behavior is internal private behavior ...............overt behavior is the external viewable behavior People constantly make unsupported and unprovable observations such as but not limited to.... .........."Man...
okay for those select few who read my other blog. Abeeda.com you'll raelize I've changed the look of it. But I still want more... You see the header with the Michelangelo hands. That big grey spot. I want to put a logo thier that will make this look neat. But I can't really think of anything to do for design... I want it to be fairly simple and have the logo up thier, AbeedA, still dumbfounded. So any ideas? Any givers? ~capi crimm. Abeeda.com is the site I was talking about.
can magnets touch? think about it for a second... visit my post at http://abeeda.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=25&mode=&order=0&thold=0 and tell me what you think. Comment too. I mean this really is an intresting thought at least to me. I can put a few hundred more up like what learning really is, the faults of the word electricity. Or read the malepregnancy.com article... no it's not about the site. Take a few minutes. I can delve into the world of politics and stocks... P...
scroll down* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . scroll up*
BOOOO!!!!' If you were scared you have to leave a comment on this or one of my posts.
Om.... Om.... sounds like a meditation to me... I could use that. I'm tempted to use this as a journal. I could put all my fun experiences... fires, burning buildings, lock ups, mental homes, crazy parties, shoot outs, car chases, bombs, school shoot outs, guns, knives, drugs, running away, being kicked out of school and home, almost being disowned. ect. all stories about those fun times... and thats just a half years worth/ My only problem is every time I do this It come backs and kicks...
Non amo te, Sabidi, nec possum dicere quare; Hoc tantum posso dicere, non amo te. -- Martial or a more common form of... I do not love thee Dr. Fell, The reason why I cannot tell, But this I know, and know full well, I do not love thee Dr. Fell. But truly, I express my feelings in the truest form with the poem of said, Dorothy Parker... I give you Frustration ... If I had a shiny gun, I could have a world of fun Speeding bullets through the brains Of the folk who giv...
Pregnancy n.pl. The condition or instance of being pregnant. Until now, also associated with women... but is this all changing? First appearing in 1999, malepregnancy.com first recieved notice in 2000. Started by Virgil Wong, the site documented the case of Mr. Lee Mingwei. The first man to bear child. Visitors to the site could inspect a variety of documentary evidence about Mr. Mingwei's pregnancy (news reports, pictures, video clips, Mr. Mingwei's EKG)... Now... ...
Well everyone wonders this... but truly. what more does it matter is one person does tehre job or not... I'm tired so I'll probably finsih this up another time... but here's the jist. How much effect does the ancient man have on us? well of course without him we wouldn't be here... so if we weren't here. there would be no perception from our view, and without our perception things do not happen. As nature does not hold and record time. an event has happened it has happened. though all thou...
For when i write I like to have little things like this to read over to help me kick my mind and start thinking... so I thought I'd put them here... get some feedback on them or you can give me your own. I just take an article or something... take a name... then write a few lines about it. I sat there on that porch. Sipping on some sweet cherry coke, letting it tickle my tounge n' throught as it slid down. The sun was down now... but i could see see it's glimmer of old Mr. Pattersons roof....
Since i completed the first part... I'll Implify it into these rules. I. The Universe by Nature does not have laws. ___[A law by nature shall hence-forth be defined as a rule which is enforced] ______[Nature does not enforce it's rules by any noticable means. If persay the law of gravity should be broken there are no reprecussions.] II. The Universe contains the mind III. Humans create laws. IV. Right and Wrong Shall be defined as such. ___[Right, shall be equated with the beni...
Hell With my lack of motivation, my ease of doing things... i figure maybe putting this on paper... I guess this really isn't paper... but I am going to start my book... yes... of what... i have not decided... I don't truly want to do my life... but a true writer has to reveal there deepest emotions to the masses... there inner self... is that not what a great book is... even if that is hidden...? I don't expect fame or anything... I just always wanted to write a book. If not for anyone but m...